I think it's safe to say that you are the cutest one year old I have ever seen! Happy 1st birthday!
We all wish you hundreds more of these wonderful days! Happy 1st birthday!
You are a ONE-derful baby! Happy first birthday!
I can tell that you are only one by the way you open your presents. You're spending too much time on the wrapping paper! Happy first birthday!
Colorful balloons, lots of presents and a delicious cake with only one candle on it. These are things that make for the perfect birthday party for the most perfect one year old in the whole world! Happy 1st birthday baby!
Every month that went by you brought more and more joy to our family. And now a whole year has gone by! Happy first birthday and thank you for making it the most joyful year of our lives!
You are a gift from God and this day only reminds us even more how grateful we all are to have you in our family! Happy first birthday!
Why do adults keep trying to make you blow the candle when all you are interested in is digging your little hands in that delicious cake?! Happy first birthday!
Happy 1st birthday! I decided not to get you an expensive gift because at this age you are more interested in the wrapping paper than the actual present!
Even if it's going to take many more years for you to get your driving license, I can tell you have been practicing because you are driving your parents crazy! Happy first birthday!
Happy first birthday! May you enjoy this very special day! Your parents are truly blessed to have you!
Wishing you the best birthday of your life... oh wait, that's your first one! Happy birthday!
May God bless you on this wonderful day of your life! Happy first birthday!
I always think that it's in the parents' best interest not to go all the way in planning and organizing this party because they have at least other 17 years to top themselves up. My advice? Start little, or by the time you turn 18 your parents will have to rent the entire Disneyland Park to keep up with these standards! Happy first birthday!
Wow, it seems yesterday that we were referring to your age in months and days! Now you are one year old! Happy birthday baby!
Thank you for enriching all of our lives. You are only 1 year old but you have done miracles for everybody already! Happy birthday baby!
You are just a baby, but I feel the need to remind you that you should enjoy every second of the moment because time flies by. I mean, imagine that next year you'll already be twice your age now! Happy 1st birthday!
Happy first birthday! Imagine that if you were a dog you would be very close to becoming a teenager by now! Enjoy this day!
Your parents are heroes because they have survived a whole year of sleepless nights, intense crying and piles of diapers to change! Happy first birthday!
You are the most special gift that your parents could ever receive! Happy first birthday!
It's OK if today you'll wear your cake more than eating it! After all, you're only one! Happy first birthday!
I can't believe you are already one year old! It seems like yesterday we came to meet you for the first time! Happy birthday little baby!
There is nothing more special than the very first birthday! Happy b-day baby!
We all wish you the best in life and we hope this is the first to a hundred more birthday parties!
This was a year full of sleep, food and joy for you. For your parents, it was a full year of sleepless nights, eating cheap and unhealthy take-out food and a whole year of feeling overwhelmed! Happy first birthday!
I can't help but getting emotional about the fact that you have already turned one! Time flies by indeed! Let's all enjoy this special day! Happy birthday!
We will all understand if you want to take a nap during your party. After all, you're only one! Happy 1st birthday!
I tell you what, your mom better enjoy this birthday because you are only one year from entering the "terrible two's"! Happy 1st birthday!
I can't wait to see you put your tiny hands in the birthday cake and get your face dirty with them! Happy first birthday little one!
The first birthday is such an important milestone and you have accomplished so much in so little time! You are truly an amazing baby! Happy birthday!
Happy first birthday to you! And congratulations to your parents for being able to survive it!
Wow, your parents went all the way for your first birthday! Gee, did they forget that you are only one years old and have no idea of what's going on?! Happy birthday!
I thought about getting you a beer for your birthday but then I remembered you are only one and you can't even walk yet! Happy 1st birthday!
For your first birthday I brought you the perfect gift: an empty box with lots of wrapping paper for you to play with! Happy birthday!
Although you are too young to remember this day, I will make sure to take plenty of pictures so we can all look over them together when you are older and smile about the memories! Happy first birthday!
Since you're still young many things can still be forgiven. However, don't expect that when you are older you can still through food at your mom and stay up all night. There's going to be table manners and curfews! But for now, enjoy being one year old! Happy birthday!
You are such a great person already! You always make people smile when they are around you! Happy 1st birthday!
Trust me, you better enjoy this birthday because soon enough you'll start lying to everyone and taking candles off your birthday cake because you feel too old! Happy 1st b-day baby!
Yay, only 12 more years until you become a teenager and you cause nightmares to your parents! Happy first birthday!
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